The hair care diaries: Thinning Hair

It’s a misconception to believe that thinning hair is just a guy’s problem. 40% of people who experience temporary or long-term hair loss are in fact women. You may be experiencing hair that is thinning all over or a center parting that is gradually widening.

In this hair care diary, one of our team members discovers the causes and solutions to thinning hair. Is there really a long-term solution? We find out how to stop thinning hair.

What are the causes of thinning hair?

The average scalp has 100,000 hairs and each follicle produces a single hair that grows at a rate of half an inch per month. After growing for 2-6 years, hair rests a while before falling out. It is soon replaced with a new hair, and the cycle begins again. At any given time, 85% of your hair is growing, and the remainder is resting.

It’s normal for resting hairs to regularly fall out and most people shed about 50-100 strands every day. You will notice a few hair strands in your hairbrush or on your clothes.

An abnormal amount of hair loss can happen in several ways. You may notice a dramatic amount of clumps falling out when you shampoo or style your hair. Or your hair may be thinning slowly over time.

There are about 30 different medical reasons for hair loss as well as many lifestyle factors. But let me share with you my experience with thinning hair.

SEE ALSO: How to get rid of Split Ends

Facts about my hair

• Medium length

• Light brown (not coloured)

• Hair is thin but there is a lot of it

• Naturally wavy

• Weak and easily falls out

I wash my hair almost everyday because I love for it to feel fresh and clean. I also use straighteners daily which I know isn’t good for my hair.

Usually on days when I haven’t washed my hair I will hold it up in a top bun, which means I am pulling the hair at the root. When I am taking out the hairbands I notice quite a few hair strands coming out.

How I take care of my hair

• I use a deep conditioner at least twice a week to make up for washing it so much.

• I visit the hairdressers at least every 2 months because using the straighteners means the ends become dead quickly. My hair never looks good when it’s too long.

• I use a nourishing hair masque once a week to keep it feeling super soft and it also helps with flyaway and frizzy ends.

• I use a heat protector spray every time I straighten and blow-dry my hair.

• I take a collagen supplement daily which promotes healthy strong hair.

RECOMMENDED: Repair Soothe Herbal Conditioner from Fushi

What should I try to stop my hair from thinning?

It may seem that I don’t care for my hair much as I am washing it daily and using heated irons a lot, so you may be suggesting that it’s pretty obvious as to why my hair is thinning.

I am trying to avoid the straighteners so much and although difficult, working towards not washing my hair so much either. But are there other things I can be doing to stop my hair from thinning?

I have put together a list to discover other solutions for my thinning hair.

• Eat healthily with foods rich in iron

I don’t live on junk food, but I tend to skip meals and I don’t eat a lot of meat, which means I suffer from anemia as I have low iron levels.

Iron is essential for strong, healthy hair. It’s important to make sure you are eating plenty of leafy greens, such as spinach, kale and chard, beans, tofu or lean cuts of red meat. These foods are all great sources of iron as well as biotin and zinc, two nutrients that help to play a role in hair growth.

• Supplements

Supplements are great to compliment your diet. In my list I have B vitamins, collagen and biotin supplements. These supplements promote healthy hair and skin and prevent hair loss and brittle nails.

• Brush with care

Some brushes with hard plastic or metal bristles can cause breakage to your hair. Instead, try a brush made of gentle boar bristles or flexible nylon.

• Switch your parting

Changing the direction of your parting can really help thinning hair. Hair tends to lie flatter against the scalp when brushed repeatedly in the same direction. If you typically part your hair on the left, flip it to the right, so it’s more likely to stand away from your scalp and look more voluminous.

• Keep it cool

Lesson number one for me, in general the less heat you use, the better.
Styling with heat can damage the hair shaft. Air dry whenever possible, and if you must use heated tools (YES!), pick those with adjustable settings and keep them on the lowest level.

You will notice that this won’t affect hair growth, but you’ll see less of the breakage that makes hair look thinner.

• Give yourself a scalp massage

Many pros suggest a scalp massage for clients that are suffering with thinning hair. Use your fingertips and a bit of argan or coconut oil to rub in a circular motion for several minutes before you shampoo.

The theory is that massage temporarily increases circulation to the scalp, which may pump hair follicles with the nutrients needed for hair growth.

SEE ALSO: Wonderful healing anti-aging oil – Moroccan Argan Oil

• Colour strategically

Bleaching or significantly lightening your hair colour all over can cause damage or breakage. But well placed highlights can actually hide hair thinning by making your hair colour more similar to the colour of your scalp. Plus, the dye expands the hair shaft slightly so that it appears thicker.

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